Download Page for 2009 TRB ADC40 Summer Meeting Presentation Files

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TRB Summer 2009 Presenation
Presentation 01. A way to Measure Community Noise in a Complex Acoustical Environment
Richard Peppin, Scantek Inc.
Presentation 02. Noise Barrier Inventory
Kenneth Avery, Bergmann Associates and William McColl, NYSDOT Environmental Services Bureau
Presentation 03. Noise Policy Implication and the Issue of Rising Costs
Ken Polcak, Maryland State Highway Administration and Ray Moravec, Wallace, Montgomery & Associates, LLP
Presentation 04. Virginia's "State of the State" Address
Paul Kohler, VDOT
Presentation 05. Validation of Empirical Prediction Procedure for Ground-Borne Vibration from Rail Tranit Trains
Hugh Saurenman and Zach Dennis, ATS Consulting
Presentation 06. Division 7 Community Outreach Soundwall Project
Ramon Nugent, Acentech, Inc.
Presentation 07. Effect of Background Vibration on Measured Transfer Mobility and Predicted Ground-Borne Train Vibration
Shankar Rajaram and Zach Dennis, ATS Consulting
Presentation 08. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge: Expansion Joint Noise
Tim Sexton, Washington State DOT
Presentation 09. Long-Term Noise Performance of OGAC- Results of 10-year Long Study
Dana Lodico, Lodico Acoustics, LLC
Presentation 10. Volpe Center Research Update
Judy Rochat, Volpe Center Acoustics Facility
Presentation 11. Temparature Influence on OBSI Noise Measurements
Hans Bendtsen, Danish Road Institute
Presentation 12. Some Effects of Groove on Tire/Pavement Noise
Paul Donovan, Illingworth&Rodkin, Inc.
Presentation 13. Effective Flow Resistivity and Tire/Pavement Noise
Krishna Biligiri and Kamil Kaloush, Arizona State University
Presentation 14. FHWA's TNM 3.0 Status
Aaron Hastings, Volpe Center Acoustics Facility
Presentation 15. OBSI and How It Is Being Used in Texas
John Wirth, TxDOT
Presentation 16. Amsterdam Airport Schiphol "Create a Barrier of Silence" Design Contest
Doug Barrett, HMMH Inc.
Presentation 17. How Many People Could be Awakened by a Full Night of Aircraft Noise Events?
Nick Miller, HMMH Inc.
Presentation 18. US 202 Context Sensitive Noise Design
Andrew Kuchta, Baker
Presentation 19. Noise Study for Saadiyat Island
Areg Gharabegian, Parsons
Presentation 20. Challenges and Pitfalls in the Acoustical Design of Noise Barriers for P3 Projects
Chris Menge, HMMH Inc.
Presentation 21. Technical Guidance for Assessment and Mitigation of the Hydroacoustic Effects of Pile Driving on Fish
Jim Andrews, Caltrans; David Buehler, ICF Jones and Stokes; James Reyff, Illingworth&Rodkin, Inc.
Presentation 22. Noise Barrier Cost Reporting and Documentation
Harvey Knauer, Enviromental Acoustics Inc.
Presentation 23. The Role of Existing Barriers in Roadway Widening
Robyn Hartz, HMMH Inc.
Presentation 24. The Use of Transparent Noise Barriers on Ontario Highways
Chris Blaney, Ministry of Transportation, Ontario, Canada
Presentation 25. Shakle, Ratle & Roll? Results of a Vibration Measurements Study Near A Large Heavily Traveled Freeway
Mike Greene, ICF Jones and Stokes
Presentation 26. Modeling Source and Wayside Noise Levels as Affected by Pavement and Bridge Joints Impulses
Robert Rasmussen, The Transtec Group
Presentation 27. Acoustical and Structural Performance Characteristics of Flexible Pavements in California
Linus Motumah, Caltrans; Erwin Kohler, Dynatest and John Harvey, UCPRC
Presentation 28. Tire/Pavement Interaction Noise Highway Vehicles
The Rubber Manufacturers Association