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TRB Summer 2013 Presenation
Highway Noise: Monday, July 29, 2013, 8:15 a.m. To 10:10 a.m.
Chair: Greg Smith, North Carolina Department of Transportation
Presentation 01. FHWA Update
Mark Ferroni, FHWA
Presentation 02. Traffic Noise Impact Analyses Using a Screening Methodology: Oregon DOT Experiences
Carole Newvine, Oregon Department of Transportation
Presentation 03. Noise Issues in the Re-evaluation Process and Design Build Projects
Mariano Berrios, Florida Department of Transportation
Presentation 04. Lessons Learned from Various Forms of Noise Related Public Interaction
Rob Meade, Missouri Department of Transportation
Presentation 05. How Much is this Noise Barrier Worth Anyway? Part 2
Adam Alexander, FHWA
Transportation Noise Assessment: Monday, July 29, 2013, 10:30 a.m. To 12:00 p.m.
Chair: Chris Blaney, Ontario Ministry of Transportation
Presentation 01. FAA Airports GIS Program
Michael McNerney, FAA
Presentation 02. Toll Plaza Rumble Strip Noise
Geoffrey Pratt, Bowlby&Associates Inc.
Presentation 03. Use of Advanced Tolls and Techniques to Resolve and Atypical Parallel Noise Barrier Case
Paul Burge, URS Corporation
Tire/Pavement Noise: Monday, July 29, 2013, 13:00 p.m. To 15:00 p.m.
Chair: Dana Lodico, Lodico Acoustics, LLC
Presentation 01. Thoughts Regarding Tire-Pavement Noise
Mike Staiano, Staiano Engineering Inc.
Presentation 02. New Vehicle and Tire Noise Regulations and Highway Noise
Robert Rasmussen, The Transtec Group
Presentation 03. The Effect of Porous Pavement on Wayside Traffic Noise Levels
Paul Donovan, Illingworth&Rodkin, Inc.
Presentation 04. Noise Related to Pavement Preservation Surfaces in NJ
John Hencken, Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation
Presentation 05. Noise Studies on MoPac Open-Graded Pavements in Austin, Texas
Manuel Trevino, Center of Transporttion Research, The University of Texas at Austin
Presentation 06. Evaluating Success if Diamond Grinding to Attain Project Noise Reduction Goal Via System-Wide OBSI Study
Eric Cox, HMMH, Inc.
Constrcution Noise and Tunnels: Monday, July 29, 2013, 15:30 p.m. To 16:30 p.m.
Chair:John Jaeckel, HNTB
Presentation 01. Transit Construction Issues in Urban Environments
Ray Nugent, Acentech
Presentation 02. A Transport-Equation Model for Predicting Noise Propogation in Long Spaces with Multiple Sources
Ning Xiang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Presentation 03. Unique Temporary Construction Noise Barrier
Bruce Rymer, CALTRANS
23CFR772 Streamlining, Analysis and Outreach: Tuesday, July 30, 2013, 8:00 a.m. To 10:20 a.m.
Chair: Ken Polcak, Maryland State Highway Adminstration
Presentation 01. 23CFR772 Streamlining, Analysis and Outreach
Adam Alexander, FHWA
Presentation 02. Land Use Evaluation Methodolgoies under 23CFR772
Harvey Knauer, Enviornmental Acoustics
Presentation 03. Examination of Noise Abatement Feasibity and Reasonableness Factors Permitted under 23CFR772
Darlene Reiter, Bowlby&Associates Inc.
Presentation 04. Opportunities for Streamlining and Programmatic Agreemnets under 23CFR772
Darlene Reiter, Bowlby&Associates Inc.
Presentation 05. Next Steps 23CFR772 Streamlining, Analysis and Outreach
Adam Alexander, FHWA
Noise Vibrations Impacts on Historic Properties: Tuesday, July 30, 2013, 10:30 a.m. To 12:00 p.m.
Chair: Karel Cubick, MS Consultants Inc.
Presentation 01. NCHRP 25-25/Task 72: Current Practices to Address Construction Vibration and Potential Effects to Historic Building Adjacent to Transportation Projects
David Buehler, ICF International
Presentation 02. NCHRP 25-25/Task 72: Construction Vibration and Historic Buildings A Case Study
Richard Carman, Wilson Ihrig&Associates
Rail Noise and Vibration Assessment: Wednesday, July 31, 2013, 8:00 a.m. To 10:30 a.m.
Chair: Hugh Saurenman, ATS Consulting
Presentation 01. Implementing FTA/FRA Noise and Vibration Assessment Methods on FRA Tier 1 NEPA Projects
Tim Casey, HDR, Inc.
Presentation 02. The Noise Effects Associated with Reestablisning Passenger Service on an Existing Freight Line
Kim glinkin, Jacobs
Presentation 03. The Influence of Quieter Pavement and Absorptive Barriers on Community Traffic Noise Levels along the US Highway 101 Widening Project in Marin County
Andy Wong, ATS Consulting and James Phillips Wilson Ihrig&Associates
Presentation 04. Noise and Vibration Measurments for the DCTA Stadler DMU
Dave Towers, HMMH, Inc.
Presentation 05. Noise Assessment Methodologies for Highway/Transit projects: Overview and Case Studies
Ruth Mazur and Jason Ross, HMMH, Inc.
Presentation 06. Applying the FTA Detailed Noise Analysis: Some Questions and Comments
Shannon McKenna, ATS Consulting