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TRB Summer 2016 Presenation
Noise Public Meeting: Monday, July 25, 2016, 8:25 a.m. To 9:40 a.m.
Chair: Josh Wilson, McCormick Taylor
Presentation 01. GDOT Noise Assessment Template – Structure And Streamlining
Miles Kemp, Georgia DOT
Presentation 02. Elements Of Successful Public Involvement
Thomas Hanf, Michigan DOT
Presentation 03. Wall, Wall, Who Wants A Wall?
Ken Runkle, Illinois DOT
Presentation 04. Noise Wall Public Preference Balloting: North Carolina’s Experiences
Greg Smith, North Carolina DOT
Wildlife and Transportation Noise Assessment: Monday, July 25, 2016, 10:00 a.m. To 11:30 p.m.
Chair: Paul Kohler, CH2M
Presentation 01. FHWA Update
Aileen Varela-Margolles, FHWA
Presentation 02.Wildlife And Noise In North Dakota
Cassandra Torstenson, North Dakota DOT; Mike Huffington, KLJ
Presentation 03. Mapping Heavy Vehicle Noise Source Heights For Highway Noise Analysis, Phase II
Carrie Janello and Paul Donovan, Illingworth & Rodkin, Inc.
Presentation 04. Airborne Noise And The New NY Bridge Project
Ken Avery and Joe Vankerkhove, Bergmann Associates
Transportation Noise Assessment: Monday, July 25, 2016, 13:00 p.m. To 14:10 p.m.
Chair: Karel Cubik, MS Consultant
Presentation 01. MDT – I-90 / Van Buren Project
Joe Vankerkhove,Bergmann Associates; Cora Helm, Montana DOT
Presentation 02. Manufacturing Noise Barrier Panels With Soundsorb
Tom Anderson, Glacier Precast; Cora Helm, Montana DOT
Presentation 03. Multimodal Noise Analysis (Don’t Forget Secondary Sources)
Joe Rauseo, RK&K
Rail Noise and Vibration Assessment: Monday, July 25, 2016, 14:30 p.m. To 16:00 p.m.
Chair:Ahmed El-Aassar, Environmental Acoustics
Presentation 01. Ground-Borne Noise Evaluations And Considerations
Judy Rochat, ATS Consulting
Presentation 02. The Characteristics Of Ground Vibration By Rail Vehicles
Jim Nelson, Wilson Ihrig
Presentation 03. Use of Tunnel Vibration Monitoring to Predict Vibration in Buildings
Hugh Saurenman, ATS Consulting
Presentation 04. Low Frequency Vibration From Train And Road Vehicle Sources
Chris Ono, ATS Consulting
Highway Noise Assessment: Tuesday, July 26, 2016, 8:00 a.m. To 10:10 a.m.
Chair: john Jaeckel, HNTB
Presentation 01. The “Impact” of Graphics on Noise
Noel Alcala, Ohio DOT
Presentation 02. Analysis of Existing Noise Barriers - the Florida DOT Process
Mariano Berrios,Florida DOT; Mike Mulbarger, ESA
Presentation 03. Type I Definition #8 – Challenge Accepted
Thomas Hanf, Michigan DOT
Presentation 04. Streamlining the Analysis of Highway Traffic Noise; Two Case Studies of Success and Acceptance
Kristin Fusco Rowe, Wallace Montgomery; Kenneth Polcak, Maryland SHA
Presentation 05. Developing a Noise Programmatic Agreement
Adam Alexander, Environmental Acoustics
Aircraft Noise and Rumble Strips: Tuesday, July 26, 2016, 10:30 a.m. To 12:30 p.m.
Chair: Kristin Fusco Rowe, Wallace Montgomery
Presentation 01. Evaluating The Impact Of Aircraft Sound Movement On Exposed Individuals In Working Place Located Around The Abu Dhabi International Airport
Khaula Al Kaabi, University of Emirates, UAE
Presentation 02. Aircraft Noise Spectra Used To Estimate Noise Level Reduction (NLR) For Airport Sound Insulation Programs
Chris Bajdek, HMMH
Presentation 03. Overview Of NPS Synthesis
Judy Rochat, ATS Consulting
Presentation 04. FHWA Rumble Strip Program
Cathy Satterfield, FHWA
Presentation 05. Measuring The Noise And Vibration Response Of Vehicles To Rumble Strips
Bruce Rymer, Caltran; Paul Donovan, Illingworth and Rodkin Inc.
Tire-Pavement Noise: Wednesday, July 27, 2016, 9:00 a.m. To 10:30 a.m.
Chair: Ray Umscheid, TxDOT
Presentation 01. Relationships between Interior and Exterior Tire Noise and Perceptions of Pavement
Paul Donovan and Carrie Janello, Illingworth and Rodkin Inc.
Presentation 02. Lightweight Noise Barrier and Quieter Pavements Studies on IH-30 in Dallas, Texas
Manuel Trevino, The University of Texas at Austin
Presentation 03. Benefits of Using On-Board Sound Intensity Measurements in Conjunction with Traditional Highway Noise Measurement and Analysis Procedures
Dana Lodico and Paul Donovan, Illingworth & Rodkin, Inc.