Agenda: 70th Annual Meeting, 1991

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Transportation Research Board (TRB)
Committee on Transportation-Related Noise and Vibration (A1F04)
70th Annual Meeting
January, 1991
Washington, D.C.

Committee Meeting Agenda

  1. Call to Order

  2. Welcome and Introduction to members and guests

  3. Statements by:
    • Campbell Graeub, TRB Staff Liaison
    • David Greene, Section Chairman

  4. Review of Minutes from January 8, 1990 Meeting, Win Lindeman

  5. TRB Membership – Domenick Billera

  6. Reports
      Summer 1990 Meeting Pat Hironaga
      1991 Activities & Sessions Domenick Billera
      Highway Noise Update Bill Bowlby & others
      Aviation Noise Update Eric Stusnick & others
      Rail/Mass Transit Noise Update Jim Nelson & others
      Research Needs Jim Byers
  7. Presentations
      AASHTO Guide for Environmental Design Raymond Richter – Delaware DOT
      Critique of LDN Ed DiPolvere – NJDEP
      Comprehensive Review of System-Level Traffic William Bowlby – Vanderbilt University
      Dulles Barrier Study Update Greg Fleming – Transportation Systems Center
  8. Discussions
      A1F04 Summer Meeting (1991)
      Committee Awards Joe Pulaski
      Newsletter Domenick Billera
  9. Announcements
      A1F04 Awards Dinner Bob Armstrong
      Inter-Noise 91 George Glazier

John Wesler, Wyle Laboratories, presiding

The Use of Building Codes to Regulate Sound Insulation Requirements for Buildings Exposed to Transportation Noise Dana Hougland, David L. Adams Associates
The Pros and Cons of Various Techniques for Financing Airport Noise Remedy Programs Ronald L. Tulis, KPMG Peat Marwick
Criteria for the Design of Sound Insulation in Homes Around Commercial Airports Eric Stusnick, John E. Wesler, Wyle Laboratories
Fort Hood Noise Study Richard M. Letty, Acentech Incorporated

James Byers, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, presiding

Techniques for Aesthetic Design of Freeway Noise Barriers Julie Farnham, Village of Mount Prospect Department of Planning and Zoning and Edward a. Beimborn, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Fairness in Noise Barrier Policy and Design: A Case Study on the Dulles Toll Road Cary B. Adkins, Virginia Department of Transportation and Christopher W. Menge, Harris Miller Miller and Hanson
Internal Consistency and Stability of Measurements of Community Reaction to Noise R.F.S. Job, University of California, Los Angeles
Visual Principals for the Design of Noise Barriers Hans Bendtsen, Danish Ministry of Transport
Full Scale Testing of Single and Parallel Highway Noise Barrier Lloyd Herman, Vanderbilt University